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  • Viktor Chernilevsky Bio Image
  • Viktor Chernilevsky

    Russian Federation

    Art Brokerage: Viktor Chernilevsky Ukrainian Abstract Artist: b. 1958. Viktor Chernilevsky was born in Ukraine in July 19, 1958. In 1981, Chernilevsky graduated from Lvov Academy of Arts, the faculty of the Interior Design and Equipment. Since 1981 he lives and works in Chelyabinsk, Russia, and is a member of the Russian Artists Union. Listings wanted.

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  • Art Wanted

    We have interested buyers looking for these artworks by Viktor Chernilevsky:

  • Art Brokerage Requests (2)

Wanted: Viktor Chernilevsky

All WorksOriginal Painting: Watercolors


Wanted: Viktor Chernilevsky

Oils on CanvasOriginal Painting: Watercolors


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