Art Brokerage: B. 1942 - Jonathan Borofsky use of free association and dreams is the catalysts for his work. Borofsky, work spans over the past 30 years and has been marked by numerous stylistic shifts, although it remains primarily conceptual. It is as much about the process of the creation, as it is about the individual objects he makes. Perusing the myriad images that span the past ten years of Borofsky's production, we find certain recurring themes, the most persistent of which is "the fear of being chased." Commenting on Borofsky's use of free association and dreams as catalysts for his work, several critics have suggested a kinship between his art and that of the surrealists. Unlike the surrealists, however, who used dreams to probe the mysteries of the unconscious, Borofsky uses dreams to clarify the meaning of ordinary experiences.
Jonathan Borofsky - Limited Edition Signed and Numbered Sculptures
Sculpture Limited edition unique wall sculpture edition of 9 1983
Hand Signed
Signed on the verso
Edition #
edition of 9
Provenance & Extra Info
Private collection. This limited edition wall sculpture of 9 is painted on gatorboard. Usually it is displayed by hanging it from the ceiling. The briefcase is a metaphor for Borofsky's mind. He pictures himself as a traveling salesman of the world. Already packed in a wooden crate.