Paul Cezanne
“Les Baigneurs - Image of Cezanne Sitting in Front of His Painting “ Baigneurs’”
Photography : Cezanne in Front of His Painting of “Baigneurs’ Plus His Finished Painting
Size: 9.00x5.50 inches | 23x14 cm
Edition: From the edition 150 + Image In front of canvas
Inquire Photo by Emile Bernard
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Not Signed
Condition Excellent
Not FramedBeing Two Images, It is Important That the Broker Or Purchaser Decides How to Frame Them, There And So Many Combinations Possible
Purchased fromDealer 2022
Provenance / History1914 - Seller purchased this in 2022. This completed my search! The earliest history of the image of Cezanne (40) is 1902 and Les Baigneurs (41) 1895-1905.
Story / Additional InfoAmbroise Vollard was the most influential Art Dealer in Paris, while the art world was changing, Vollard was at the epicentre of this change. He gave Cezanne his first exhibition in November 1895, and again he had his business head on, as in June 1894 the sale of the deceased estate of Pere Tanguy (he sold paint to the artists and many paid in art) gave Vollard the opportunity to buy canvases by Cezanne, Gauguin and Van Gogh, very cheaply and Cezanne’s reputation flourished, while Vollard became rich.
What I love about Vollard is his attention to detail putting these two matching images together has lasted from 1911. Unbelieveable!
Certificate of AuthenticityAmbroise Vollard Galerie Vollard 6 Rue Laffitte
Additional InformationPhoto by Emile Bernard