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"Countess Zavagovskaya 1938 27x25" by Anatoly Sokolov - Framed Oil on Canvas $3,200
Countess Zavagovskaya 1938 27x25 Original Painting by Anatoly Sokolov
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Countess Zavagovskaya 1938 27x25 Original Painting by Anatoly Sokolov - 0
Countess Zavagovskaya 1938 27x25 Original Painting by Anatoly Sokolov - 1

Countess Zavagovskaya 1938 27x25

Anatoly Sokolov

Original Painting : Oil on Canvas
Size : 21x19 in  |  53x48 cm
Framed : 27x25 in  |  69x64 cm

Motivated Seller Reduced
Listing Info
Artist Bio


Hand Signed 

Condition Excellent 

Framed without Glass 

Purchased fromArtist 1938 

Story / Additional InfoPrivate collection. 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage 


Anatoly Sokolov - Russian Federation

Art Brokerage: Anatoly Sokoloff Russian Artist: b. 1891-1971. Anatoly Sokoloff was born in 1891 in Petrodvorets (Peterhof), into the family of a courtier in charge of the tsar's hunting. The Sokoloff's, like many other courtiers, lived in Znamenka, the estate of Grand Duke Nicholas. The future artist's mother, nee Olshanskaya, grew up in a general's family along with her 12 brothers, all of whom served in the tsar's army. A military career had been a family tradition cherished through generations. Anatoly's father was no exception. Yet he saw nothing wrong with the fact that from the age of five his son had never parted with crayons, paints and paper. In fact, if a child displayed a penchant for beauty and art, it found a great deal of encouragement from the parents. One of Anatoly's two brothers was an accomplished musician, who played a number of instruments and sang, while the other liked to draw. Anatoly successfully graduated from the elite Nikolayevsky Cadet Corps and was enrolled in the TverCavalrySchool. Yet he continued to paint the world that surrounded him. Later, when Sokoloff became known for his battle pieces, viewers were always amazed at the mastery with which he executed mounted figures. Art Brokerage has a wonderful painting of Conquistadores in Argentina by Anatolio Sokolff. The following biography, submitted May 2004, is from James Cox who wrote: "From a gallery, I purchased paintings by Anatoly/Anatole Sokoloff. At the time of my purchase, the dealer informed me he purchased the paintings from the heirs of the artist, and provided me with a biography given him by the heirs." The Artist, Anatole Sokoloff was born in St. Petersburg, Russia in July, 1891 and died in San Francisco, Ca."

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