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"Garden Repose Resin Sculpture 1992 36 in" by Emily Kaufman - 🔥Cast Resin Sculpture with Painted Details
Garden Repose Resin Sculpture 1992 36 in Sculpture by Emily Kaufman
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Garden Repose Resin Sculpture 1992 36 in Sculpture by Emily Kaufman - 0
Garden Repose Resin Sculpture 1992 36 in Sculpture by Emily Kaufman - 1
Garden Repose Resin Sculpture 1992 36 in Sculpture by Emily Kaufman - 2
Garden Repose Resin Sculpture 1992 36 in Sculpture by Emily Kaufman - 3

Garden Repose Resin Sculpture 1992 36 in

Emily Kaufman

Sculpture : Cast Resin With Painted Details
Size : 36.25x28.5 x5.5 in  |  92x72 x14 cm
Edition : From the edition of 150

Listing Info
Artist Bio


Hand SignedLower Left 

Condition Excellent 

Purchased fromGallery 1992 

Provenance / HistoryPurchased at the Centaur Gallery in Las Vegas. 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage 


Emily Kaufman - United States

Art Brokerage: Emily Kaufman American Artist: Born in New York City in the 1950s, sculptor Emily Kaufman grew up in Washington, DC. She received her B.F.A. from Boston University and her M.F.A. at the University of Illinois where she studied and worked closely with internationally known sculptor Frank Gallo. Emily Kaufman is known for her ability to capture elegant sensuality, romantic realism, and deeply felt emotions in her work. Her three-dimensional sculpture and bas-reliefs are cast in resin from her original clay models. She then hand paints each piece making it a unique work of art. Edition sizes generally range from nine to forty nine, although some pieces have higher edition sizes. Emily's awards include Outstanding Sculptor from Boston University, a Goldenberg Memorial Scholarship, and a Creative Arts Fellowship from the University of Illinois. Ms. Kaufman has served as one of three well-known professional sculptors asked to jury the J.W. Johnston Sculpture Competition at the Corcoran Museum. The Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, DC, acquired her life-size sculpture, "Girl on a Fainting Couch," for their permanent collection. Museums and respected fine art collectors worldwide have purchased her work. Listings wanted.

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