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"Untitled Bronze Sculpture 2006 18 in" by Felipe Castaneda - Bronze Sculpture $5,500
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 2006 18 in Sculpture by Felipe Castaneda
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Untitled Bronze Sculpture 2006 18 in Sculpture by Felipe Castaneda - 0
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 2006 18 in Sculpture by Felipe Castaneda - 1
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 2006 18 in Sculpture by Felipe Castaneda - 2
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 2006 18 in Sculpture by Felipe Castaneda - 3
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 2006 18 in Sculpture by Felipe Castaneda - 4

Untitled Bronze Sculpture 2006 18 in

Felipe Castaneda

Sculpture : Bronze
Size : 18x14 x13 in  |  46x36 x33 cm
Edition : From the edition of 7

Motivated Seller Reduced
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Artist Bio


Hand SignedEtched Signature on the Top Front Surface of the Sculpture Base 

Condition Excellent 

Purchased fromArtist 

Provenance / HistoryDirect from Artist 

Certificate of AuthenticityNot Authenticated 


Felipe Castaneda - Mexico

Art Brokerage: Felipe Castaneda Mexican Artist: B. 1933. Felipe Castaneda was born on December 16, 1933 in Michoacan, Mexico and he is at the height of his career. He is an internationally renown sculptor and is a man of great sensitivity and enormous talent. His exhibits have been held in the United States, Mexico and Europe. In 1958 he came upon a teacher from an art trade school. The teacher explained the classes that the school offered and Felipe decided that he was going to go to school. Castenada enrolled that same day and took classes in drawing, modeling, carving and constructive drawing. He absorbed knowledge very quickly and was adept at carving and sculpting. In 1962, he married his wife Martha and he began working for the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. It was at this time that Castaneda became assistant to Francisco Zuniga, world renown sculptor. By 1966, Felipe Castaneda was able to mold plaster and clay for sculptures perfectly. Castenada set out on a path to perfect his ability to create stone sculptures. It is the classic example of the student beginning his career under the inspiration of a master sculptor and then surpassing him. His early training with Zuniga made Castaneda the sculptor he is today. Castaneda creates sculptures in marble, onyx and bronze. His concentration is the female form. The subject of women is the center of his creativity...wife, mother, lover, friend. He depicts her kneeling, standing, sitting, reclining, and stretching - capturing all her moods. Each of the women Castaneda creates is mysterious and provocative. They have perfect proportions owing to his profound knowledge of human anatomy. His sculptures are executed in the Greco--Roman style of beauty. His marble and onyx figures, when completed, gleam like polished jewels. Listings wanted.

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