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"Untitled Painting 43x29 Huge" by Hisashi Otsuka - 🔥🔥🔥Huge - Framed Oil on Canvas - A SUPER Steal
Untitled Painting 43x29 Huge Original Painting by Hisashi Otsuka
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Untitled Painting 43x29 Huge Original Painting by Hisashi Otsuka - 0
Untitled Painting 43x29 Huge Original Painting by Hisashi Otsuka - 1
Untitled Painting 43x29 Huge Original Painting by Hisashi Otsuka - 2
Untitled Painting 43x29 Huge Original Painting by Hisashi Otsuka - 3
Untitled Painting 43x29 Huge Original Painting by Hisashi Otsuka - 4

Untitled Painting 43x29 Huge

Hisashi Otsuka

Original Painting : Oil on Canvas
Size : 38.5x22 in  |  98x56 cm
Framed : 43x29 in  |  109x74 cm

3 watchers
Motivated Seller Reduced
Listing Info
Artist Bio

Hand SignedLower Left And Stamped 

Condition Excellent 

Framed with GlassBlack And Gold Oriental Theme 

Purchased fromPrivate Collector 

Provenance / HistoryLahaina Galleries on Maui in the mid 80s 

Certificate of AuthenticityInternational Valuation Consultants 

Additional InformationSUPER SUPER 


Hisashi Otsuka - Japan

Art Brokerage: Park West Artist: Hisashi Otsuka Japanese Artist: Like the Samurai in many of his paintings on Fabric, Hisashi Otsuka is an artist of remarkable dedication. Schooled in Zen and the martial arts, he has lived and worked by the warrior's code of discipline and duty. Rooted in Japanese tradition yet adventurous in nature, he is known throughout the World for his boldness of color and style that mark him as truly unique. Otsuka's work today is a powerful balance of ancient Eastern techniques and modern Western ideas. His time- honored poets and warriors, kabuki figures, ukiyo-e women, and elegant calligraphy are steeped in the classical past. Yet in color and composition, his work achieves a vigorous, contemporary context. Monumental in scope and meticulous in detail, it offers a total aesthetic of heroic and subtle impact at once. Otsuka came to the west, Hawaii, in 1979. Until that time his painting had been historical in subject and theme. But now has emerged from the past in ways that are very exciting. In his brilliant neo- deco style, Otsuka's compositions have evolved to a decorative elegance. Otsuka's art has achieved an important transition: a cross cultural excellence that not only appeals to East and West artistically, but also brings them together in understanding. This, after all, is Otsuka's personal mission and he pursues it with splendid dedication. In New York, London, Paris, San Francisco, Tokyo, and Hawaii, Otsuka's one man shows have earned the highest praise. HIs international prominence increase year by year, making him truly a dominant force on the World art scene. To Otsuka, life and art create each other. He, the master, the warrior, devotes himself to the fabric of both, wielding his brush like a sword. Listings wanted.

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