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"Untitled French Landscape 24x28 - France" by Leonard Wren - 🔥Oil on Canvas - A Steal - Inquire
Untitled French Landscape 24x28 - France Original Painting by Leonard Wren
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Untitled French Landscape 24x28 - France Original Painting by Leonard Wren - 0
Untitled French Landscape 24x28 - France Original Painting by Leonard Wren - 1
Untitled French Landscape 24x28 - France Original Painting by Leonard Wren - 2

Untitled French Landscape 24x28 - France

Leonard Wren

Original Painting : Oil on Canvas
Size : 20x24 in  |  51x61 cm
Framed : 24x28 in  |  61x71 cm

4 watchers
Listing Info
Artist Bio

Hand Signed 

Condition Excellent 

Framed without GlassWood/Gilt Frame 

Purchased fromArtist 1990 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage 


Leonard Wren - United States

Art Brokerage: Park West Artist: Leonard Wren American Artist: In addition to painting the beauty of the American landscape, Leonard enjoys traveling to new places to find inspiration. His journeys take him to locales such as Italy, France, Spain, and Jamaica. He is also intrigued with the wonderful light and variety in the landscape of Washington State, where he is building a new studio. When Wren discovered Impressionism, specifically the work of Monet, he began to see in a totally new way. Despite having a young family to support, Leonard decided to pursue a career as an artist. He sought out a teacher who could help him learn to paint light and color, and every week for a year traveled from his home in Tulsa to Oklahoma City to study with Richard and Edith Goetz. He quickly reached a point in his career where he was able to concentrate his efforts on his love of painting. In 1976, about a year after he began painting, Leonard closed his commercial design business, which he had owned and operated since 1964. After just a few years of painting, his inherent ability positioned Leonard as one of the leading American Impressionists. Listings wanted.

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