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  • Merry Kohn Bio Image
  • Merry Kohn

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Merry Kohn American Artist: b. 1951. Merry Kohn was born on December 26, 1951 in Fort Meade, Maryland. Being the daughter of a military officer, and the proverbial "army brat," Merry traveled the world over with her family. Her many experiences abroad stirred her creative side and she began painting at an early age. Merry Kohn Buvia now makes her home on the beautiful Monterey Peninsula, yet you can see the influences of her travels through Europe, the Orient and the United States evident in her work. Having painted all her life, Merry is basically a self-taught artist and paints with a whimsical, yet uncompromising wit. The titles of her paintings usually indicate a joke or a story that has to be searched for in the canvas. Critics and audiences of naïve art have compared her to Michel Delacroix, Yamagata and Wysocki. Munsingwear commissioned her in 1986 to do the cover of their centennial annual report and, later that year, to do the poster for their Annual Munsingwear Bicycle Race in Crested Butte, Colorado. She has been displayed in the Sonje Museum of Contemporary Art with artists such as Grandma Moses, Henri Rousseau, Ivan Rabuzin and Mattie Lou O'Kelley. Her work was exhibited in a group show, at the Chicago Center For Self-Taught Art. She has produced puzzles, calendars, mugs, greeting cards and other items for many companies including Hallmark. Listings wanted.

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