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"Untitled Watercolor 42x35" by Xiang-Ming Zeng -
Untitled Watercolor 42x35 Watercolor by Xiang-Ming Zeng
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Untitled Watercolor 42x35 Watercolor by Xiang-Ming Zeng - 0
Untitled Watercolor 42x35 Watercolor by Xiang-Ming Zeng - 1
Untitled Watercolor 42x35 Watercolor by Xiang-Ming Zeng - 2

Untitled Watercolor 42x35

Xiang-Ming Zeng

Watercolor : Watercolor on Paper
Size : 29x22 in  |  74x56 cm
Framed : 42x35 in  |  107x89 cm

Listing Info
Artist Bio

Hand SignedLower Left 

Condition Excellent 

Framed with Glass 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage 


Xiang-Ming Zeng - China

Art Brokerage: Chinese Artist Zaing Ming Zeng's paintings depict serene and contemplative landscapes that combine Far Eastern mysticism and the romanticism of the West. Luminous and inviting, his paintings seem to defy classification of time and place, a mixture of past and present elements to create a wondrous world. Born in China in 1951, Zeng is a graduate from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (1975). Zeng has exhibited and is represented in museums, galleries, major corporate and private collections throughout Asia, North America, Europe, China, Japan, and Australia. His works are, notably, part of the permanent collection of the National Museum of China in Beijing. The recipient of numerous awards for his artwork, Zeng is a member of the National Association of Chinese artists and he is listed in the Encyclopaedia of Famous Chinese Artists. Listings wanted.

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