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  • Helmut Tollmann Bio Image
  • Helmut Tollmann


    Art Brokerage: Helmut Tollmann German Artist: b. 1945. Helmut Tollmann was born 1945. Cologne 1961-64 Graphics Education. 1964-68 Study of graphics and design at the Cologne work-schools. 1968 Activity as a graphics designer and independent artist. 1970 Activity on natural painting and landscapes under the impression of the pictures of Max Ernst. Leverage of Jawlensky, learning the meditative apprenticeship of the Zen Buddhism. 1975 dealing with engineering processes and basic structures of electronics as elements of linked up communication. multivision-performance. Exhibitions in Germany, the Netherlands, France 1980's big events, exhibitions world-wide1990's Developing the multi-level-technic. Experiments with new materials and technologies parallel to the development in the industrial technology. 1996 Multimedia projects oriented to general public in collaboration with Artexpert, Cologne. 2000 Concepts and working on linked up art projects 2001 Collaboration with Artforum Culture Foundation, Thessaloniki, dept. Germany. "Personal Individual" and "Sancto Subito" graphics at ArtForum Editions, Thessaloniki-Cologne. 2002 "Connections", Mega-art-event on the fair site Munich. Invitation of the Federal Press Club for the reopening of their new space in Bonn, One man show. "Soul of chip". 2003 Retrospective one man show at art association Aurich; exhibition Antwerp, one man show. exhibitions at t-system, toll Collect; Marina di Ravenna art festival, price: "silver sail" 2004 Art event and one man show in the fair halls of Cologne. End of the year he start the work process on the portrait of Karol Wojtyla, pope John Paul II. Exhibitions in Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Spain "Visibly invisible" art performance as a part of the art project "sancto subito" by Artforum Culture Foundation: water, earth, air- performance, including the materials of drawings and edition, in Rome, Philippi (GR) - and, on the occasion of the visit of Pope Benedikt XVI, in Cologne. 2006 Exhibitions at Galerie Roubrocks und Partner, Cologne; Museum Wehrturm, Cologne; Gymnich Palace. Preparing the light and sound-performance. COSMIC ELEMENTS. 2009-11 exhibitions at the Hegau Gallery Singen and participation at the "Gulf Projects". For vast study travelling and exhibition participation Tollmann came to Paris, London, Ireland, Italy, Greece, New York, Boston, the former Soviet Union and China. Artist's friendship among others with Max Ernst, Hans Hartung, Andy Warhol, Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Charles Wilp. Portrait orders of significant international economic leaders. Numerous artworks in private collections and public possession (among others: Cologne fair).

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