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Wanted / Watchlist / Follow

  • Art Wanted
  • Art wanted

    Be sure to check out our new Art Wanted page!

    If you're not able to find a work of art you're looking for, you can create an "Art Wanted" ad to broadcast your interest to the rest of the community.

    Once posted and approved, other users will be able to view your ad on the corresponding artist & listing pages, as well as on the Collector Art Wanted page. Wanted ads are typically approved within 24 hours.

    We recommend reviewing Buying Art and Selling Art before posting or responding to an "Art Wanted" ad.

    Note: Art Brokerage has 2 types of wanted ads: "Art Brokerage Requests" and "Collector Requests". Replying to an "Art Brokerage Request" will prompt you to fill out a message form, which is then submitted to our brokers. Replying to a "Collector Request" will prompt you to enter a listing, which is then forwarded to the Art Brokerage member who posted the wanted ad, or you can use the new short form for a faster method of replying.

    Read more about wanted ads.

  • Watchlist
  • Watchlist

    Keep track of your favorite listings by creating your own personal watchlist! To get started, click the heart icon icon on your favorite listings. You can access your Watchlist page at any time.

  • Follow Artists
  • Follow your favorite artists

    Click the follow icon icon to follow an artist & get notified when new works are listed! You can view new listings from the last 2 weeks and control which types of listings you receive email alerts for on your Following page. Email notifications can be filtered by medium to narrow down the results to original paintings, prints, or sculptures only, etc.

    We add thousands of new listings each month, so this is a great way to keep track of your favorites!

    Sellers: Keep in mind that any time you list works from an artist with followers, an alert will be sent out. For example, every time a new Andy Warhol work is listed, 890+ Warhol followers receive an email notification. You can view the number of followers an artist has by visiting their artist page.

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    Our mission since 1983 is to be the best international and domestic secondary art marketplace, while maintaining your complete privacy and removing any risk or uncertainty from the process.

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    Client information is private and confidential; we do not share, trade, or sell to anyone ever. We work very hard to make sure our listings are accurate. If you see a problem with any listing on our site, please report it immediately.

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