Packing and Shipping Art
Our experienced brokers will help with shipping.
We use UPS, FEDEX, DHL, Craters and Freighters, and other bonded art shippers.
Art Brokerage insists your artwork is packed by a professional. Proper packaging is very important and must be done to avoid any damage during the shipping process. If the art is not packed sufficiently and arrives damaged, it will be returned at your expense, and the buyer will be refunded in full. We welcome international buyers & sellers and have decades of experience conducting transactions worldwide. Our experienced brokers will assist you every step of the way towards making a successful sale. Use the Packing & Shipping checklist below to simplify the process and keep on track! HASSLE FREE SHIPPING - We assist you.
* Customs clearance procedures and speed may differ based upon shipping origin and destination. Art Brokerage cannot guarantee delivery on certain dates.
Packing & shipping checklist
Secure a professional packaging service to help you pack your artwork.
- For items less than $5,000 in value, we recommend using UPS to help you pack and ship.
- For large or high-value items, we suggest using Craters & Freighters or other similar art shipping companies. If you need help finding a professional packaging service or crater, let us know!
Check and double check your artwork has been packaged sufficiently. If you have any doubts or need help, please let us know before you ship.
Stay in touch with your broker and be prepared to answer any questions or resolve any issues the buyer may have with their delivered artwork.
- Remember, buyers have up to 72 hours to approve or deny their purchase upon receipt.
Celebrate that you’ve successfully sold a great piece of artwork with Art Brokerage!
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I make an insurance claim on my shipped artwork?
If an insurance claim is made, all packing materials must be inspected and found to be sufficient by the shipping company before a claim will be paid. If you have concerns, you should document the condition of the piece and packing materials prior to shipping.
Does Art Brokerage assist sellers in finding and working with a professional packaging service?
Yes, our staff of brokers will help you find the right service for your needs as well as answer any remaining questions you may have after you've accepted an offer for one of your listings.
Is there a size or weight limit for artwork that can be sold and shipped through artbrokerage.com?
Absolutely not! We have the experience and track record required to assist you in shipping artwork of any size; including monumental sculptures!
No item is too large to ship!
This Arturo di Modica sculpture, "Wall Street Bull", was purchased from our site and arrived in excellent condition!