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  • Ida Itkin Bio Image
  • Ida Itkin

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Ida Itkin American Artist: Each of Ida Itkin's works is executed with emotional simplicity, with beautiful combination of colors. She is an artist obviously deeply in love with life, with people, with the city and with the desert. She loves the happiness, the brightness of nature. In her "Happy Day" floral the blues, yellows, greens echo happiness; they do again in "Joyous Spring." "From Buddy Bruder's Window" is another that stands out for its composition and colors; Ida Itkin here has blended greens to create a work of much lyrical quality. Another highlight is her "Springtime In The City." All of her city scenes are splendid impressions. One has the feeling of actually sharing a morning, afternoon or evening with the artist. Listings wanted.

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Wanted: Ida Itkin

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