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  • Oscar Liebman Bio Image
  • Oscar Liebman

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Oscar Liebman American Artist: b. 1919-2002. Oscar Liebman was born in 1919 in Brooklyn, New York. In high school, Oscar won a scholarship to the Art Student League, where he studied with such masters as William E. McNulty, George Grosz, and Homer Brass. During World War II he saw active service in the Southwest Pacific and did reportorial drawings for Yank Magazine. After his discharge in 1946, he began a career as a freelance magazine illustrator for Colliers, Liberty, Argosy, and others. He was skilled at various techniques, including collage, watercolor, oil, acrylic, sculptures, and portraits. He is also known for his sketches and posters for hundreds of Broadway plays. He pioneered the use of collage as an advertising-illustration technique for such major industrial firms as Ford Motor Co., R.C.A., Sabena, and Burlington Mills. His works have been exhibited in such prestigious museums and galleries as The Museum of Modern Art, the Guggenheim, Whitney Museum of American Art, Brooklyn Museum, La Revue Moderne Des Arts et de la Vien(Paris), Illustrator's Club, The Silvermine National Exhibition of Printsnand Drawing and Bodley Galleries. Currently, three of his paintings can benviewed at the Papal Museum in Vatican City, Italy. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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