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  • Otis Dozier Bio Image
  • Otis Dozier

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Otis Dozier American Artist: Otis Dozier was a member of the cadre of Dallas artists known as the Dallas Nine. Though the disparate group of painters, printmakers and sculptors who composed the Nine could be broadly categorized as regionalists, they often displayed a decided fascination with the European avant-garde. This is especially true of Otis Dozier's works, in which regionalist subject matter was often mingled with Surrealist and Cubist techniques. The stylistic mingling that one finds in Dozier's works lend them a degree of intrigue that is generally absent from the work of other regionalists with more representational inclinations. Otis Dozier's "Navajo Blanket" was recognized in its time for its fusion of Southwestern subject matter with Modernist technique. It was featured in the 1957 edition of "A Survey of Texas Painting," a publication assembled by the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts and was awarded a Fort Worth Art Association Award. It was also exhibited at the 1953 State Fair of Texas Art Exhibition. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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Wanted: Otis Dozier

We are seeking original paintings from the 1930's and 40' Otis Dozier.


Wanted: Otis Dozier

Otis Dozier, "Grasshopper and Farmer," 1937, oil on masonite


Wanted: Otis Dozier

original oil


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