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  • Patrick Bennett Bio Image
  • Patrick Bennett

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Patrick Bennett American Glass Artist: His first experience blowing glass was taking a scientific glassblowing course in the year 2000 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. It was at this point that his love for an incredibly unique medium began to develop. After spending several more years in college without a path in sight, he was offered an apprenticeship in the glass-shop at the aforementioned University continuing his studies in the classical techniques of scientific glass for a year. After attending Salem community college taking both Science and art classes, he received a job at the University of Notre Dame, in the scientific glassblowing facility. Now the Glass-Shop supervisor, he is creating art at home in his leisure. This presents an ideal situation for him. During the workday he gets the opportunity to hone his skill through routine. And, in the evening and on the weekends, he can let my soul loose to create pieces that he believes tell a bit about his inner self, both emotionally and intellectually. As he continues to grow as a glass-worker he has come to accept the fact that he is not creating the glass, it already existed. Rather, the glass helped remove him from a very unstable place in life and has helps created the person he is proud to be today. Now, he is just trying to reflect on the path he has traveled, and leave some clues as to what that was like through his chosen medium. At this point, he has resisted taking a niche artistically, however the vast majority of what he does is flame-worked, hand-blown and sculptural borosilicate design, but he likes to play with enamels, electroplating, and fusing amongst anything else that crosses his mind. Listings wanted.

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