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  • Piero Manzoni Bio Image
  • Piero Manzoni


    Art Brokerage: Piero Manzoni Italian Artist: July 13, 1933 - February 6, 1963. He was an Italian artist best known for his ironic conceptual art. Full name is Count Meroni Manzoni de Chiosca e Poggiolo. He was iIfluenced by the work of Yves Klein, his own work anticipated, and directly influenced, the work of a generation of younger Italian artists brought together by the critic Germano Celant in the first Arte Povera exhibition held in Genoa, 1967. Manzoni is most famous for a series of artworks that call into question the nature of the art object, directly prefiguring Conceptual Art. His work eschews normal artist's materials, instead using everything from rabbit fur to human excrement in order to "tap mythological sources and to realize authentic and universal values". His work is widely seen as a critique of the mass production and consumerism that was changing Italian society (the 'Economic Miracle') after World War II. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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