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  • Thomas Houseago Bio Image
  • Thomas Houseago

    United Kingdom

    Art Brokerage: Thomas Houseago British Artist: b. 1970. Thomas Houseago (b. 1972 in Leeds, Great Britain) is a contemporary visual artist. Thomas Houseago was raised by his mother, a teacher; his father was institutionalized for schizophrenia when he was 6. In 1989 he got a government grant to attend Jacob Kramer College (now the Leeds College of Art) for one year. Houseago left Leeds for London in 1991, at 19, enrolling at Central Saint Martins and later studying at the Ateliers in Amsterdam. The South African artist Marlene Dumas was one of Houseago's tutors during his time at the De Ateliers; other visiting artists such as Thomas Schütte and Luc Tuymans – both of whom make figurative sculpture or painting – were a huge influence on him. In Amsterdam, Houseago met artist Matthew Monahan and his future wife, painter Amy Bessone. After completing his studies, he lived and worked for several years in Brussels before moving to California in 2003. Houseago is a figurative sculptor who uses lo-fi materials such as plaster and plywood. His work references genres such as Cubism and Futurism and plays on the history and tradition of statues. Listings wanted.

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