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1) Artist Name
2) Title
3) Year (optional)
4) Medium (Original Painting, Print, Sculpture, etc.)
5) Edition # (if applicable)
6) Signature Details
7) Size (Inches or CM)
8) Frame Details (if applicable)
9) Framed Size (Inches or CM)
10) Condition Details
11) Certificate of Authenticity (Yes/No? & where from)
12) Where the artwork was purchased
13) Year purchased (or approximate)
14) Listing Keywords (flowers, impressionist, early work, etc.)
15) Shipping location (zip code where artwork will ship from)
16) Net Price (how much you wish to net from the sale)
17) Quality photos of the artwork (view examples)
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Replying to community wanted request for:
Alberto Vargas
Looking for the original drawing by the artist that appeared in the November 1962 Playboy magazine,
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All information contained in these web pages is copyrighted by Art Brokerage Inc. 1995-2025. All visual copyrights belong to the artists. All rights reserved.
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Select an artist to create your listing. If your artist is not in the list, please email Danielle Faber
Hint: Start typing in your artist's last name while the dropdown is open to locate your artist more quickly.
Please put the title of the work here. If a suite, please put the title of the suite. If untitled, please select No, it's untitled above.
Please put the year of the work here. If you do not know the year, put the decade. If you are not sure, please leave blank.
Is this a one of a kind sculpture, photograph or print? Generally speaking this will only apply to original one of a kind works that are not part of a limited edition. If your work is numbered (x/xxx), marked AP, PP, etc., or not numbered from an edition, it is not a one of a kind original work.
Please be as specific as you can be about the edition #. Art Brokerage will return the listing as incomplete if you do not provide the full edition # and edition size (example: AP 1/200, 3/150, not numbered from the edition of 100). If you are listing a one of a kind work, please check the YES checkbox above for 'One of a Kind Work', or type in 'One of a Kind.'
Mint: For unframed prints in mint condition only.
Excellent: Artwork is in perfect condition. There are no flaws.
Good: Artwork has some very minor damage that must be declared prior to listing.
Other: Artwork has damage, wear, or other imperfections that must be declared prior to listing.