Alejandro Diaz
MexicoArt Brokerage is interested in listing any Alejandro Diaz artworks for sale. We have buyers today. Alejandro Diaz creative practice evolved from painting simple portraits of family and friends to these more elaborate and layered images, drawing inspiration from sources as diverse as modern pop culture references and old European master painting. Diaz endeavors to tell a story with his paintings, but one that is inconclusive and open to interpretation. In 2010 Diaz won the Kobes Art Foundation Award. Alejandro Diaz cleverly explores the boundaries of race and class by merging humor, urban imagery, products, folk art, fine art, and advertising. His conceptual and campy cardboard signs, which he made and sold on the streets of Manhattan, earned him an international reputation. They are emblematic of his recurrent use of everyday materials, his humor infused politics, and his ongoing involvement with art as a form of entertainment, activism, public intervention, and free enterprise. From these humble, hand written signs to his glamorous works in neon, from his oversized cans of beans and corn to his witty, appropriations of many of contemporary arts greatest hits, Diaz continues to challenge the preconceived notions of culture, society and status. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.
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