A View of Montmartre 29x37 - Paris, France
Alex Zwarenstein
Original Painting : Oil on Canvas
Size : 22x30 in | 56x76 cm
Framed : 29x37.5 in | 74x95 cm
- 🔥Fabulous Framed Oil on Canvas - inquire - A Real Steal $3,900
Hand SignedLower Right
Condition Excellent
Framed without GlassDark Brown Wood With Mat
Purchased fromDealer
Certificate of AuthenticityBella Fine Art, Cooper City, Fl
Alex Zwarenstein - United Kingdom
Art Brokerage: Alex Zwarenstein British Artist. Alex Zwarenstein's oil paintings are highly sought-after and widely collected. Alex Zwarenstein, is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Art in London, where he received both the gold medal in painting and the Turner award. His new work is done in the style and technique of maniere blanche. The paintings are compositions from memory done in a process of textural layering over a field of titanium white. The result is an appealing, abraded dimensional surface quality that suggests archeology; there are glimpses of under painting: perspective lines, image fragments - elements of the creative process showing through. Each painting is boldly designed and patterned using invented architecture, figures, and objects. This work is investment quality contemporary fine art, suitable for corporate, residential, and hospitality. Zwarenstein's oils have been exhibited around the globe and placed in a number of important private, public, and corporate collections. He teaches the practice of perspective at The Art Students League, The National Academy of Design, the School of Visual Arts in New York City, and has been featured in numerous articles and books on the subject. Listings wanted.