"Untitled Photographs Set of 3 by Peter Gould 1973 HS by Warhol" by Andy Warhol - 🔥🔥Set of 3 Photographs - Hand Signed by Warhol - Inquire - A Steal $2,700
Condition Good - photos present some small defects due to time
Not Framed
Purchased fromPrivate Collector 1984
Provenance / HistoryHeritage from my brother, Jesus Fuentes, who was a Private Collector of Pop Art and Art Dealer in Rome, Ital, for more than 30 years
Story / Additional InfoThe photos were taken at Studio 54 nightclub by artist and photographer Peter L Gould and show Warhol with Geri Miller, one of his muses who played small roles in Warhol's films. On its back it bears the stamp of the photographer who also wrote the names of both and the date it was taken,
Certificate of AuthenticityPeter L. Gould
Additional InformationMotivated
Andy Warhol - United States
Andy Warhol. American. Born Andrew Warhola 1928 in Pittsburgh, PA. Died 1987.Obsessed with celebrity and consumer culture, Pop artist Andy Warhol created some of the most iconic images of the 20th century. Warhol was the most successful and highly paid commercial illustrator in New York even before he began to make art destined for museums and major collections.Andy Warhol would use many mediums to produce art: video, sculpture, painting, and printmaking. He extensively used screen printing from 1962 to 1987.At the start of the 1970s Andy Warhol began publishing Interview magazine and renewed his focus on painting. Works created in this decade include Mao, Skulls, Hammer and Sickles, Torsos and Shadows and many commissioned portraits. His screen-printed images of Marilyn Monroe, Campbell soup cans, and sensational newspaper stories, quickly became synonymous with Pop art. He took what he saw around him and turned it into high art.Warhol's 1963 8'x13' Silver Car Crash painting sold in 2017 for $105million. His paintings continue to fetch record prices. His signed and numbered graphics are in great demand worldwide. Art Brokerage is a world leader in marketing secondary prints and original paintings.We are buying and paying cash for inventory now!
GREVY'S ZEBRA from Endangered Species(F&S II. 300), 1983 (from the Endangered Species Portfolio) Color screenprint on Lenox Museum Board 38 x 38 inches Edition of 150
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