Prisoner 1990 40x40
C.J. Wells
Original Painting : Oil on Canvas
Size : 40x40 in | 102x102 cm
Hand SignedUpper Left in Red
Condition Excellent
Not Framed
Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage
C.J. Wells - United States
Art Brokerage: C.J. Wells American Artist: CJ Wells is a Santa Fe artist and poet of Native AmerÂÂiÂÂcan and HisÂÂpanic AmerÂÂiÂÂcan descent. Her paintÂÂings often reflect her SpanÂÂish and AmerÂÂiÂÂcan Indian herÂÂitage. Her porÂÂtraits of AmerÂÂiÂÂcan Indian warÂÂriors and childern often depict her subÂÂjects with glowÂÂing yelÂÂlow eyes sigÂÂniÂÂfyÂÂing traÂÂdiÂÂtional respect for the holiÂÂness of the Earth and animals. As TAOS MagÂÂaÂÂzine states, Well's paintÂÂings present a fasÂÂciÂÂnatÂÂing conÂÂtrast between the solemn faces of her subÂÂjects and the lush color and detail that surÂÂround them. Her images have an abstract, timeÂÂless qualÂÂity. The warÂÂriors are set against dark backÂÂgrounds or cloudy skies, and their yelÂÂlow eyes seem to gaze out beyond the viewer. They appear to be lisÂÂtenÂÂing to an inner voice or conÂÂtemÂÂplatÂÂing the past. Each one is an eleÂÂgant, arisÂÂtoÂÂcratic presÂÂence surÂÂrounded by mysÂÂtery and drama. CJ also creÂÂates poetry that relates to her works and is inspired by them. The poems come from deep within me, she says. They give voice to the penÂÂsive figÂÂures of the paintÂÂings in hauntÂÂing, othÂÂerÂÂwordly verse. Her stuÂÂdio can be found these days in Santa Fe, but Wells spent fourÂÂteen years in ScottsÂÂdale before returnÂÂing to Santa Fe in 2001 at the time of her father's death. She says she has come to stay. CurÂÂrently sinÂÂgle, the mother of two grown chilÂÂdren (a daughÂÂter and a son) and with four grandÂÂchilÂÂdren, she finds herÂÂself in a posiÂÂtion to purÂÂsue her art withÂÂout restriction.original oil paintings wanted.