Craig French
United StatesArt Brokerage: Craig French American Artist: b. 1959. Craig French is a Neo-Constructivist sculptor, whose brilliant, lyrical wall pieces have gained an international audience. Cast resins, acrylics, sheet metals, rare woods, and exotic glass are laboriously cut, shaped, lathed, and polished into rich and fluid forms-then joined and intertwined into arresting color-texture combinations. These multi-media works rest, dance, play, spin, and sing to create an abstract language inflected by many accents. Yet they all are unified by overarching themes of aesthetic optimism, joy, and a duty to fine craftsmanship. A California native, French believes his art issues from "the beauty and rhythm and the flow of poetry and music." The 'Flow' seems indispensable to any discussion of his work- The stationary materials metamorphose into sinuous loops, bends, whorls and swirls. French forces the bodily stuff of his art to such extremes that glass, wood and metal loses their inertness taking on the dynamic of motion. His primary aim, he says, "is to further blur the boundary between painting and sculpture." Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.
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