David DeVary
United StatesArt Brokerage: David DeVary American Artist: b. 1942. David DeVary was born 1942 in Bloomington, Illinois. Described some time ago in a major publication as a "New West" artist, DeVary uses symbols of the American West to express universal emotions and themes, especially attitude. He surrounds his contemporary cowboys and cowgirls with silver, gold and copper metallic leaf, so that the images become more of a romanticized icon rather than a depiction of the reality of a particular person, place or time. By juxtaposing the gloss and glitter of copper and gold leafing with the layering on of glazes, spackling and other mixed media, DeVary gives "an earthly, familiar feel to the work at the same time it gets an 'other world,' heroic, timeless quality." DeVary paints introspective, idealized and sometimes provocative figures, capturing and combining the good feelings associated with the Western myth and the American Dream. His use of bright yellow slickers, hats that shield the eyes, antique chaps, and the cowboy's own natural body language helps create a striking, unique, almost ethereal portrait of the American cowboy and cowgirl. "I'm not painting history; rather, I'm trying to capture the mythical American West the way we'd like it to be or the way it could be. Like the traditional western artist, I'm fascinated with this romanticized, idealized West. DeVary's works have been widely exhibited and can be found in numerous private, corporate and museum collections throughout the United States. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.
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