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  • Ferdinando Chevrier Bio Image
  • Ferdinando Chevrier


    Art Brokerage: Ferdinando Chevrier Italian Artist: 1920-2005. Ferdinand Chevrier was a painter, who lived and worked for many years in Milan. He became interested in painting between 1934 and 1936 by attending the studio of painter post-Macchiaioli Renuccio Renucci. In 1946, after the break of war that sees him engaged on the Greek-Albanian, Chevrier back to painting and he enrolled at the art school "Amedeo Modigliani ' directed by Voltolino Fountains. His public debut came in 1948, when he exhibited his first works clearly inspired Cubism in two group shows in Bottega d'Arte di Livorno. As the new decade, Chevrier abandoned figuration to embrace a kind of geometric abstraction characterised by a strong sense of the movement given by the ratio between the surface and form the bottom that accepts. In 1950 Chevrier joined the M.A.C (concrete art Movement) following the pisano Gianni Bertini and pistoiese Mario Nigro. The six years of militancy in M.A.C. reserve at many important occasions Chevrier. In February 1950 he exhibited, presented in the catalogue by Gillo Dorfles, Vachon library of Pisa. In 1951 he took part in the exhibition "Concrete and abstract art in Italy" at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Roma and two of M.A.C. collective, one in Milan and one in Torre Pellice. send his works to the Gulf of La Spezia Prize "and"VI Quadriennale Nazionale d'Arte di Roma". In 1951 was also an important solo exhibition, held in Milan, Jump Library historic home of M.A.C. It is significant for Chevrier, at this time, the encounter with the merchant Bruno Garcia. The anthological exhibition that the artist presents in March 1952 in the halls of the Gallery Giraldi in Livorno, marks the beginning of a happy and almost thirty-year collaboration between the two. From the 1955-' 56, loose ties with M.A.C, Chevrier directs his pictorial research towards the poetics, then widespread throughout Europe, "Informal", focusing on the expressiveness of gesture and matter. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s Chevrier is present in many important exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Exposes the "por el Arte actual artistic movement of the Mediterranean" (Malaga-Sevilla-Barcelona-Valencia-Madrid) in 1959. He exhibited at the exhibition of Italian painting in Bat Yam in 1961; holds three solo exhibitions in public and private galleries of Luxembourg (in 1963, 1965 and 1969), and Paris (in 1965). At the same time he participated in prestigious awards (the "Modigliani-Prize Città di Livorno" in 1957 and in 1958; the "Premio del Fiorino" in Florence in 1966). In April 1960 he founded the circolo ricreativo "the witch" along with countrymen Jean Mario Berti and Elio Marchegiani, with which, already the year before, had given birth to an artistic partnership, dubbed by critics "the three abstract". In 1974 Chevrier moved to Milan and will remain until 2004. Between 1980 and 1990, when his artistic language has reached almost full autonomy, Chevrier holds many personal and group exhibitions, including the anthology, three Como, Gallarate and Milan. In 2002-2003 the municipality of Livorno dedicated a major anthological exhibition entitled "imaginary life". His artistic production under the banner of a "sign informal" with futuristic and organic connotations (velocity and the movement in his compositions is that informal geometric) features his unusual artistic production. He died on 31 July 2005 in his home in Livorno. Listings wanted.

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