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  • Frederick Evans Bio Image
  • Frederick Evans

    United Kingdom

    Art Brokerage: Frederick H. Evans British Artist: b. 1853-1943. Frederick H. Evans was best known for his photographs of medieval cathedrals, such as the image at right of England's Wells Cathedral arguably the best-known example of his work. Yet Evans was also accomplished in the areas of portraiture, landscape, and photomicrography (photography made using a microscope), and he brought to each subject the same intensity that characterizes his cathedral images. Evans began his career as a bookseller, but retired from that to become a full-time photographer in 1898, when he adopted the platinotype technique for his photography. Platinotype images, with extensive and subtle tonal range, non glossy-images, and better resistance to deterioration than other methods available at the time, suited Evans' subject matter. Almost as soon as he began, however, the cost of platinum - and consequently, the cost of platinum paper for his images - began to rise. Because of this cost, and because he was reluctant to adopt alternate methodologies, by 1915 Evans retired from photography altogether. He ultimately became regarded as perhaps the finest architectural photographer of his era. Listings wanted.

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