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  • Gloria Badiner Bio Image
  • Gloria Badiner

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Gloria Badiner American Glass Artist: Gloria Badiner is a former scientist and self-taught glass and metal artist living and working in rural Southwest Michigan. Commission work has included private residences and businesses in the USA and Europe particularly fused glass, cast glass and dalle de verre installations. The studio works with designers and architects to fabricate commissioned kiln cast reliefs and fused cast tiles for installation in windows and on the surface of walls as site-specific sculpture in their clients' homes and as elements of their own custom furniture. The studio also serves as a technical consultant to the glass and ceramic industries and provides workshops on all aspects of kiln formed glass. Badiner's personal works explore the themes of night and day, nature and human ritual. Recent three-dimensional exhibitions display a commonality of "The Offering". A series of kiln cast bowls filled cast, fused and found objects honoring the needs of humans, i.e. food, medicine, fire, children, art and creativity. Recent two-dimensional works include a series of cast glass panels for a ship installation and a commission for an embassy in Washington DC. Listings wanted.

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Wanted: Gloria Badiner

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