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  • Gregory Grennon Bio Image
  • Gregory Grennon

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Gregory Grennon American Artist: Gregory Grennon lived in Detroit, Michigan with his mother and father and three sisters for twenty-five years. When he left there, he was a working artist in what is known as the Cass Corridor, where artists made art and did not talk about art. He then lived in Chicago, Illinois and worked as an assistant printer from 1973 to 1975 at Landfall Press, It was there he learned about color- it was there where he was finally sure that he would be a painter, not a teacher or printer. Tired of the large, dirty, crowded cities of his life, he moved to Portland, Oregon, where he found that he could not escape the art inside of him. Throughout his career as an artist, he have concentrated on the Face of Women-moving slowly toward the figure with special attention to the hands, never thinking he would ever sell these pictures-he just kept making them. Growing up in an emotional world, he uses this emotion of his life in the life of his painting. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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