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"Les Nympheas 2007 36x44 Huge" by Jean Kevorkian - We have buyers waiting
Les Nympheas 2007 36x44 Huge Original Painting by Jean Kevorkian
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Les Nympheas 2007 36x44 Huge Original Painting by Jean Kevorkian - 0
Les Nympheas 2007 36x44 Huge Original Painting by Jean Kevorkian - 1
Les Nympheas 2007 36x44 Huge Original Painting by Jean Kevorkian - 2

Les Nympheas 2007 36x44 Huge

Jean Kevorkian

Original Painting : Oil on Canvas
Size : 32x40 in  |  81x102 cm
Framed : 36x44 in  |  91x112 cm

Listing Info
Artist Bio

Hand SignedLower Right in Pen 

Condition Excellent 

Framed without GlassGallery Wooden Frame 

Certificate of AuthenticityWe have buyers waiting 


Jean Kevorkian - France

Art Brokerage: Jean Kevorkian French Artist: b. 1933. Jean Kevorkian, a true Parisian, was born in the "City Of Light" in 1933 and has always loved his native Paris while preferring as inspiration for his impressionist works the timeless beauty of provincial France. Fascinated by drawing from childhood onward, he painted and drew at every possible opportunity, developing his extraordinary natural talent, a true gift which did not require formal training. Jean concentrates his endeavors on interpreting, as did the master impressionists preceding him, the glories of nature; summer, winter, spring and fall, glowing hills and valleys, sparkling streams with distant villages, sun-drenched beaches and endless changing skies. His results are quite irresistible. Listings wanted.

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