"Caballo Ceramic Sculpture 1993 25 in" by John Balossi - We have buyers waiting
Caballo Ceramic Sculpture 1993 25 in Sculpture by John Balossi
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Caballo Ceramic Sculpture 1993 25 in Sculpture by John Balossi - 0
Caballo Ceramic Sculpture 1993 25 in Sculpture by John Balossi - 1
Caballo Ceramic Sculpture 1993 25 in Sculpture by John Balossi - 2
Caballo Ceramic Sculpture 1993 25 in Sculpture by John Balossi - 3
Caballo Ceramic Sculpture 1993 25 in Sculpture by John Balossi - 4

Caballo Ceramic Sculpture 1993 25 in

John Balossi

Sculpture : Ceramic
Size : 25x21 x4 in  |  64x53 x10 cm
Edition : Original

Listing Info
Artist Bio


Hand SignedLower Right Leg 

Condition Excellent 

Certificate of AuthenticityGalería Botello 


John Balossi - United States

Art Brokerage: John Balossi American Artist: b. 1931-2007Painter, sculptor, printmaker, watercolorist, ceramicist, and teacher. Balossi studied at Columbia University, where he earned his BFA in 1956 and his MFA in 1960. Between 1956 and 1960 Balossi worked as a commercial artist and managed a gallery with J. Peplinsky, another young artist. He moved to Puerto Rico in 1960 and from 1962 to 1988 taught at the Río Piedras Campus of the University of Puerto Rico. Balossi was the recipient of an honorable mention at the First UNESCO Painting Salon and first prize at the Fifth. He worked principally in sculpture, using a variety of materials such as stone, wood, terracotta, hammered aluminum plates, iron (soldered), and ceramic clay; he joined the Manos Group of ceramicists in the eighties. Balossi was known as a colorist, and both his paintings and ceramic works almost always portrayed horses or female figures. Listings wanted.

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