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  • John Olt Bio Image
  • John Olt

    Art Brokerage: Artist John Olt. "My primary mediums are bronze, alabaster, marble, limestone, wood, and fiberglass. I arrived at a style of modeling for bronze and fiberglass, and quite another for stone and wood . These styles are based on my basic attitude towards carving. Nature gives me a shape in stone and wood, and I try to adhere to that shape; I try to fit the anatomy into the shape of the medium whether it be human, animal, or bird. However, in modeling in a plastic material for bronze I have a more open style; the shape I create is not dictated by the medium. For my fiberglass pieces, I 've developed a technique for modeling direct, not using molds; the fiberglass pieces are large, light, and durable." - John Olt

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