Breaking Blue, Plein Air 2020 18x24
Marie Massey
Original Painting : Oil on Canvas
Size : 18x24 in | 46x61 cm
- 🔥Fabulous Oil on Canvas - Inquire $2,400
Hand SignedLower Right
Condition Excellent
Not FramedGallery Wrapped - does not need framing
Purchased fromArtist 2021
Provenance / HistoryPrivate Collection
Story / Additional InfoPlein air painting of Carmel, California
Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage
Marie Massey - United States
Art Brokerage: Marie Massey American Artist: Marie Massey says, "Creating through paint is an all-consuming, thrilling and joyful experience. Focussing on a subject, designing a compelling composition, and infusing it with color, light, depth, and emotion is infinitely fun and challenging. The goal of my artwork is to express my deep appreciation for nature, wildlife and human beauty. The reward is capturing some of the magical uniqueness of my subject to produce a painting that engages and brings joy to others." Award-winning artist, Marie Massey, has been drawing and painting since she could hold a pencil. Her work is distinguished by exciting use of brilliant color, unique composition, and imaginative realism. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.