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  • Martin Blaszko Bio Image
  • Martin Blaszko


    Art Brokerage: Martin Blazko German Artist: b. 1920. Martin Blaszko was born in Berlin in 1920. Study in Europe with Jankel Adler and Enrique Barczinski. He arrived in Argentine in 1939 after a trip to Paris where he meets Marc Chagall. In 1945 he made contact with Arden Quin and participated in the launch of the group MADI in Buenos Aires. In 1952 he received a prize from the Institute of Contemporary Art of London for his project for the monument The Unknown Political Prisoner exhibited at the Tate Gallery, London. At the same year he was invited to take part at the Säo Paulo Biennale, Brazil (Selection by Julio E. Payró). In 1956 he was part of the Argentine representation for the Venice Biennale.In 1958 integrates Argentine representation in the International Fair of Brussels and receives Bronze medal awarded by the Senate of the Nation. The following year he received the First Prize from the City of Mar del Plata. In 1960 he won the Great Prize of the City of Buenos Aires Salón Municipal de Artes Plásticas Manuel Belgrano. In 1961 he was invited to exhibit in the 2ème exposition internationale Sculpture Contemporaine at The Musée Rodin, Paris, France. In 1973, receives the Gold Argentine Parliament.In 1986 he won the first prize in the competition "Tribute to the International Day of Peace." In 1993 he integrates the exhibition Latin American Artists of the XX Century organized by the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York. Then it was exhibited in Spain (Museo Reina Sofía), France (Centre Georges Pompidou) and Germany (Ludwing Museum). The 2001 performs a solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires (MAMbA). Martin Blaszko won the first prize in the Salól works are part of several collections. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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Wanted: Martin Blaszko

Original Painting: sculptures


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