Nicolas Ionesco
RomaniaArt Brokerage: Nicholas Ionesco Romanian Artist: B. 1919. Nicolas Ionesco was born in Bucharest, Romania on May 1, 1919. He graduated at the Academy of the Art schools of Bucharest in 1945 and was a grant holder of the French Government in 1946. In Paris, he has worked with André LHOTE (1947) and Fernand Léger (1948/49) and turned to abstract painting in 1950. Through a work based on the vibration of the colors, he has discovered a personal expression where the yellow dominates (1952). He has taken part in several exhibitions of avant-garde of the Lyric Abstract Art. Since 1959, he has devoted myself to a new search: it is the rediscovery of a figurative painting seen through the modern experiments. Listings wanted.
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