Oscar Solis
MexicoArt Brokerage: Oscar Solis Mexican Artist: Oscar Solis colorful and fluid paintings are represented by Artbrokerage. At the age of 18 years Oscar Solis was employed as a Painter Art Professor in the "Casa de la Cultura" of Morelia Michoacan. For Solis the responsibility of a painter is the search of beauty. "Nowadays, for me, to make a painting, to be working on a canvas letting my imagination flow with the rhythm of colors confirms that I had made the right decision of my life to become the painter. My endeavor as an artist is: To invite everyone to hold a silent conversation through my paintings. I like to make the observer dream or fall into deep thoughts full of colors. My response to those who have asked me why I have dedicated myself to being a painter is: In the daily routine of my life, that is the small contribution I can make to the world. Listings wanted.
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