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  • Pierre Bonnard Bio Image
  • Pierre Bonnard


    Art Brokerage: Pierre Bonnard French Artist: b. 1867-1947. Pierre Bonnard was born in Fontenay-aux-Roses, Hauts-de-Seinea. He was a painter and printmaker, as well as a founding member of Les Nabis, a group of Post-Impressionist avant-garde artists who set the pace for fine arts and graphic arts in France in the 1890s. Bonnard is known for his intense use of color, especially via areas built with small brush marks and close values. His often complex compositions—typically of sunlit interiors of rooms and gardens populated with friends and family members—are both narrative and autobiographical. His wife Marthe was an ever-present subject over the course of several decades. She is seen seated at the kitchen table, with the remnants of a meal; or nude, as in a series of paintings where she reclines in the bathtub. He also painted several self-portraits, landscapes, street scenes, and many still lifes, which usually depicted flowers and fruit. Bonnard did not paint from life but rather drew his subject—sometimes photographing it as well—and made notes on the colors. He then painted the canvas in his studio from his notes. Bonnard's works are found in numerous museums throughout the world. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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Wanted: Pierre Bonnard

Original Oil on CanvasOriginal Painting: Oil on Canvas


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