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  • Rita Dee Bio Image
  • Rita Dee

    Art Brokerage: Rita Dee American Artist: Rita Dee is a master sculptor creating monumental driftwood horses. Each sculpture conveys a great sense of the mass and weight and even though one would never confuse them with real horses, the dynamics of their pose and gesture have such vitality that one senses something spiritually lifelike about them. Dee attended the College of St. Rose along with other colleges in upstate NY and then later returned to school to study Art at Bard College. It was here that sculpture became her primary interest. She speaks of a tension between her respect for the skeletal anatomy of the subject along with the structural demands of the materials and architecture. Her work is collected nationwide in private and corporate collections and when one comes upon one in their travels it is unmistakable. She has won numerous awards and received worldwide acclaim through her exhibit in the International Equine Art Competition. Listings wanted.

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Wanted: Rita Dee

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