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"Rehearsal Portrait 1989 33x21" by Tom Sierak - 🔥Framed Original Pastel on Paper $2,500
Rehearsal Portrait 1989 33x21 Works on Paper (not prints) by Tom Sierak
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Rehearsal Portrait 1989 33x21 Works on Paper (not prints) by Tom Sierak - 0
Rehearsal Portrait 1989 33x21 Works on Paper (not prints) by Tom Sierak - 1
Rehearsal Portrait 1989 33x21 Works on Paper (not prints) by Tom Sierak - 2
Rehearsal Portrait 1989 33x21 Works on Paper (not prints) by Tom Sierak - 3

Rehearsal Portrait 1989 33x21

Tom Sierak

Works on Paper (not prints) : Pastel on Paper
Size : 26x14 in  |  66x36 cm
Framed : 33x21 in  |  84x53 cm

Listing Info
Artist Bio


Hand SignedLower Left 

Condition Excellent 

Framed with Glass 

Purchased fromArtist 2000 

Story / Additional InfoPurchased from artist at his studio in Lowell, MA. 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage 


Tom Sierak - United States

Art Brokerage: Tom Sierak American Artist: Tom Sierak, is a graduate of the Vesper George School in Boston, MA. Sierak's work is published worldwide as wall prints, greeting cards, puzzles, cross stitch kits, note cards, and collector plates. His work has been the featured cover story in The Artist's Magazine. His paintings have appeared on numerous covers of Reminisce magazine, a national publication with a nostalgic theme, and in Ideals magazine, which features art and poetry. His medium of choice is pastels. He says, "I favor pastels because I'm able to draw and color simultaneously, and I love to draw. It's the perfect combination for me". He says, "People often talk about the good ol' days, and how nice it would be to return to them. I think the times we are living now are good ol' days...of tomorrow. Places and things may change around us, but the bond that exists between children, parents, and grandparents never does. I try to convey a message of warmth and emotion, and hope these portraits of American life today will someday become the viewer's window to the past."

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