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  • Urs Fischer Bio Image
  • Urs Fischer


    Art Brokerage: Urs Fischer Swiss Artist: b. 1973. Urs Fischer (born 1973) is a Swiss-born neo-Dada sculptor living in New York. Born in 1973, Urs Fischer began his career in Switzerland where he studied photography at the Schule für Gestaltung, Zurich. He moved to Amsterdam in 1993 and had his first solo show at a gallery in Zurich in 1996. Fischer's subversive approach to art is often considered to be influenced by anti-art movements like Neo-Dada, Lost Art, or the Situationist International. Since Fischer began showing his work, in the mid-nineteen-nineties, in Europe, he has produced an enormous number of objects, drawings, collages, and room-size installations. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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