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  • Wailehua Grey Bio Image
  • Wailehua Grey

    United States

    Art Brokerage is interested in listing any Wailehua Gray artworks for sale. We have buyers today. Wailehua Gray was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, August 8, 1933 and raised in Haleiwa on the north shore. He lived there until age nineteen when he entered the United States Marine Corp. After discharge, he worked as a Merchant Seaman. Traveling to many parts of the world made him aware of the different cultures and people, some of whom had migrated to Hawaii as a labor force and remained as a permanent part of its society. At age thirty-five Gray worked toward a degree in art, graduating in 1974 with an AA degree from El Camino Junior College, Torrance, CA. And a BFA in 1976 from Otis Art Institute, Los Angeles, CA. Besides interests in ecology and conversation Gray is also concerned about preserving and making aware, the importance of ethnic cultures. He is presently doing a Pele Series using Hawaii's petroglyphs as a technique and subject source. Wailehua Gray tries to bring the feel of his work through the use of symbols, textured surfaces, color and various use of media in different combinations. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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