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  • Wilson Henry Irvine Bio Image
  • Wilson Henry Irvine

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Wilson Henry Irvine American Artist: b. 1869-1936. Wilson Henry Irvine (28 February 1869-1936) was a master American Impressionist landscape painter."Fall, Eight Mile River" near Old Lyme, Connecticut. Although most closely associated with the Old Lyme, Connecticut art colony headed by Florence Griswold, Irvine spent his early career near Chicago, a product of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Irvine also painted across Western Europe where he produced outstanding American Impressionist versions of the local countryside. Today, Wilson Irvine's paintings grace the collection of Chicago's Art Institute, Florence Griswold Museum; National Portrait Gallery, Corcoran Gallery of Art; and Union League Club. Irvine is best known for his mastery of light and texture a 1998 exhibit of his work was called Wilson Henry Irvine and the Poetry of Light. To capture subtle effects of light, Irvine often painted en plein air wearing his trademark cap, knickers, and goatee, with his easel and his paints set up in the field. Sometimes Irvine's obsession with light led him to paint rather pedestrian subjects, landscapes depicting little more than some trees, or a road or fence. But a number of Irvine masterpieces depict well-composed scenes including houses, boats, bridges, even a handful of portraits, including at least one self-portrait and a nude. Listings wanted.

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Bridge At Rhonda 1928 30x35 Original Painting - Wilson Henry Irvine

Wilson Henry Irvine

Bridge At Rhonda 1928 30x35

Original Painting: Oil on Canvas, Hand Signed

Size: 25x30 in  | 64x76 cm
Oil on Canvas Lyme, Connecticut $6,500
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