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  • Adela Andea Bio Image
  • Adela Andea


    Art Brokerage: Adela Andea Romanian Artist: b. 1976. Adela Andea b. 1976. Romanian-born Adela Andea is known for her innovative light installations that create an all-encompassing visual and temporal experience. Andea constructs futuristic forms and environments with her medium, combining technical materials, such as magnifying lenses, LED lights, flex neon, and power sources, with organic motifs. Her purpose is to manifest, with the use of non-traditional materials, the uncanny relationship man has with technology, a relationship that involves knowledge of the familiar and swift adaptation to ever-changing systems. Her inspirations are almost always derived from science­­—from the bioluminescence of underwater sea life, to the melting icebergs that plague the planet, to cosmological and interstellar events—Andea connects nature and science in a technological vernacular. Listings wanted.

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Wanted: Adela Andea

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