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  • Anthony Lister Bio Image
  • Anthony Lister


    Art Brokerage: Anthony Lister Australian Artist: b. 1979. Anthony Lister is an Australian graffiti artist. Born in 1979 in Brisbane, Australia, he studied at the Queensland College of Art. In 2002, he traveled to New York where he was mentored by the painter Max Gimblett. Lister stared painting the streets at the age of 17 and helped pioneer the street art movement in his home city as a teenager. He is considered Australia's premier street artist. His scrawling, figurative style employs charcoal, acrylic, spray paint, and oil. Whether it be through his use of bold writing styles or a specific shading and color scheme, Lister's controversial subject matter and often provocative public declarations often prove to provoke thought and question reality itself while allowing the artworks to remain accessible to the public mind. Anthony Lister loves controversy, and we can't help but applaud him for incorporating the innate sense of life's chaos into his works. He makes what may seem to be questionable issues relatable through his art, often inciting intentional debate amongst viewers. He also puts a clever spin on matters that are initially seen as conventional and mundane, modernizing past themes and making them functional for his current audience. Lister's usage of abstract techniques along with more specific, detailed skills combine masterfully to convey the superb thought process that accompanies each of his works of art. His works are larger than life, taking us to what can only be the world inside Lister's mind, leaving us wanting to know more about what drives him to create the way he does. Listings wanted.

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Wanted: Anthony Lister

Original Painting: Any other works


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