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  • BJ Katz Bio Image
  • BJ Katz

    United States

    Art Brokerage: BJ Katz American Glass Artist: Inspired by the world's great art glass houses, BJ Katz's vision has been to create a studio artistic community where she and others would work together creating exceptional works of contemporary art glass that combine imagination, originality, artistic quality and technical proficiency in public and private commissioned artwork. Her studio, Meltdown Glass Art and Design, has grown over its twenty year history. Katz's work is in numerous private and public collections including the permanent collection of the Corning Museum of Glass. Large-scale public art glass installations is Katz's forte art glass integrated into architecture. Katz competes for public art commissions. Over 150 completed commissions can be viewed on her websites. Katz considers her Facets of Womanhood sculptural series her personal life work. Facets is autobiographical, addressing deeper issues about life, womanhood, and her emotional and spiritual place in the world. While healing and transcendence have long been elements in Katz's artwork, in Facets she personalized these subjects through the inclusion of text and silhouetted images of herself to share her own experiences and beliefs. Listings wanted.

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