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  • Bernard Schultze Bio Image
  • Bernard Schultze


    Art Brokerage: Bernard Schultze German Artist: b. 1915-2005. Bernard Schultze was a German abstract painter and integral figure of the Art Informel movement. He was notably the founder of the Quadriga collective, which included such artists as Otto Greis Karl Otto Götz, and Heinz Kreutz. Characterized by their gestural abstraction, Shultze's works regularly feature brilliant, fluorescent colors morphing in and out of implied representation, forming fantastical landscapes, figures, and languages. Often highly textural, he is noted for his use of textile and sculptural relief throughout his painting practice. He was born on May 31, 1915 in Schneidemühl, Poland, and abandoned his studies at the Dusseldorf Academy and the Berlin School for Art Education in 1939 to serve in the German military until the end of World War II. In 1955, he married fellow painter Ursula Bluhm and went on to embark on numerous international travels. Sadly, all of Schultze's paintings prior to 1945 were destroyed during an air raid on Berlin in the same year. The artist died on April 14, 2005 in Cologne, Germany at the age of 89, having continued painting until the end of his life. Listings wanted.

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