Sunday on the Banks of the River Marne - France
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Photography : Photograph Print
Size : 11.02x13.78 in | 28x35 cm
Framed : 17.32x20.87 in | 44x53 cm
Edition : Not numbered
🔥Framed - Hand Signed Photograph - Blue Chip $$$$$$$
Hand SignedLower Right
Condition Excellent
Framed with GlassBlack Frame
Purchased fromAuction House 1960
Provenance / Historylondon
Story / Additional InfoGelatin Silver Print, Printed C. 1969 11 13 4/5 in 28 35 CM Not numbered to the left
Certificate of AuthenticitySothebys
Additional InformationFather if Photojornalism
Henri Cartier-Bresson - France
Art Brokerage: Henri Cartier-Bresson French Artist: B. 1908-2004. Henri Cartier-Bresson was a French photographer considered to be the father of photojournalism. He was an early adopter of 35 mm format, and the master of candid photography. He helped develop the street photography or life reportage style that was coined The Decisive Moment that has influenced generations of photographers who followed. Cartier-Bresson was born in Chanteloup-en-Brie, Seine-et-Marne, France, the oldest of five children. His father was a wealthy textile manufacturer, whose Cartier-Bresson thread was a staple of French sewing kits. His mother's family were cotton merchants and landowners from Normandy, where he spent part of his childhood. The Cartier-Bresson family lived in a bourgeois neighborhood in Paris, near Place de l'Europe. His parents were able to provide him with financial support to develop his interests in photography in a more independent manner than many of his contemporaries. Cartier-Bresson also sketched in his spare time. As a young boy, Cartier-Bresson owned a Box Brownie, using it for taking holiday snapshots; he later experimented with a 3×4 inch view camera. He was raised in a traditional French bourgeois fashion, required to address his parents using the formal vous rather than the familiar tu. His father assumed that his son would take up the family business, but the youth was strong-willed and upset by this prospect. He attended école Fénelon, a Catholic school that prepared students to attend Lycée Condorcet. The proctor caught him reading a book by Rimbaud or Mallarmé, and reprimanded him: "Let's have no disorder in your studies!" Cartier-Bresson said, "He used the informal 'tu'-which usually meant you were about to get a good thrashing. But he went on: 'You're going to read in my office.' Well, that wasn't an offer he had to repeat. There are few photographers whose style is instantly recognisable, like that of a great painter or film director; even fewer whose photographs have also been printed in popular magazines and newspapers throughout the world, in many cases over and over again; and only one whose life has, in addition, become legendary - Henri Cartier-Bresson, who has died aged 95. Listings wanted.