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  • Henri Toulouse-Lautrec Bio Image
  • Henri Toulouse-Lautrec


    Art Brokerage: French Artist Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa or simply Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (24 November 1864-9 September 1901) was a French painter, printmaker, draughtsman and illustrator whose immersion in the colourful and theatrical life of Paris in the late 1800s yielded a collection of exciting, elegant and provocative images of the modern and sometimes decadent life of those times. Toulouse-Lautrec along with Cézanne, Van Gogh and Gauguin is among the most well-known painters of the Post-Impressionist period. In a 2005 auction at Christie's auction house, a new record was set when La blanchisseuse, an early painting of a young laundress, sold for $22.4 million U.S.

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Untitled Lithograph Limited Edition Print - Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Untitled Lithograph

Limited Edition Print: Color Plate Lithograph, Plate Signed, Not numbered

Size: 12x9 in  | 30x23 cm
🔥🔥Framed Limited Edition Lithograph - A Real Steal
4 Watchers
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Reine De Joie 1926 Limited Edition Print - Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Reine De Joie 1926

Limited Edition Print: Lithograph With Hand Coloring in Pochoir on Papier Du Japon, Plate Signed, From the edition of 175

Size: 11x8 in  | 27x19 cm
Framed Signed HandColored Lithograph $2,400
3 Watchers
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Chanson Ancienne HS Limited Edition Print - Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Chanson Ancienne HS

Limited Edition Print: Lithograph, Hand Signed, From the 2nd Edition of 82, Edition is Not Numbere

Size: 12x10 in  | 29x24 cm
🔥Ornately Framed Limited Edition Hand Signed Lithograph - Blue Chip - Inquire $6,900 - Motivated
3 Watchers
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Proces Arton (Arton Trial) 1896 Limited Edition Print - Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Proces Arton (Arton Trial) 1896

Limited Edition Print: Lithograph, Other, Not numbered

Size: 18x23 in  | 46x59 cm
Framed Lithograph
3 Watchers
Motivated SellerReduced
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La Goulue Limited Edition Print - Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

La Goulue

Limited Edition Print: Lithograph on Paper, Plate Signed, Not numbered

Size: 13x9x0 in  | 32x22x0 cm
Framed Lithograph $2,300
3 Watchers
Motivated SellerReduced
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Yvette Guilbert and Curtain Puller Limited Edition Print - Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Yvette Guilbert and Curtain Puller

Limited Edition Print: Lithograph on Paper, Plate Signed, Not numbered

Size: 12x7x0 in  | 30x18x0 cm
Framed Lithograph
Motivated SellerReduced
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Monsieur De Lauradour 1926 Limited Edition Print - Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Monsieur De Lauradour 1926

Limited Edition Print: Lithograph on Japon Paper, Not Signed, From the Edition of 175

Size: 7x9 in  | 17x22 cm
🔥Framed Lithograph on Japon Paper $1,700
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Portrait of Yvette Guilbert Limited Edition Print - Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Portrait of Yvette Guilbert

Limited Edition Print: Lithograph on Paper, Plate Signed, Not numbered, from the edition of 100

Size: 10x8 in  | 26x20 cm
Framed Lithograph $4,500
Motivated SellerReduced
Buy / Offer / Ask Question I have one and want to sell it

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