Jacques Bouyssou
FranceArt Brokerage: Jacques Bouyssou French Artist: 1926-1997. From his childhood, Jacques Bouyssou made ​​the acquaintance of artists such as Othon Friesz , Raoul Dufy , Lagar Leprin , who became his mentors. He also meets Moïse Kisling , Fernand Léger and Ossip Zadkine. Bouyssou studied at the Architecture School of Fine Arts of Troyes and drawing with the sculptor Janin . He moved to Paris and became a student of Othon Friesz and Lucien Simon at the Académie de la Grande Chaumiere. His talent is recognized painter, and his first exhibition was held in London in 1955. The following year, Katia Granoff invited to exhibit in Paris. This is the beginning of a long relationship. His first exhibition was held at the Salon des augerons artists. In 1961 he started the Salon de la Marine. In 1987, Bouyssou is named "official painter of the French Navy." His works are kept in the Musée de la Marine in Paris. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.
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